
About me

Aleš Miklík

My story

During my lifetime I had many roles and professions - I was a child, partner, father, got technical and human education, traveled, self-developed, led myself and teams of people. All the time - from my childhood - however, I always drew inspiration and strength in nature, most often alone. There I ran with my boyish worries and joys (and spent at least as much time in the woods as at school) and “adult” problems.

Over time, I have developed my own methods to improve my mental and physical health through intensive perception of nature. Yet I haven't been able to share this experience with anyone for many years - I haven't noticed anything like this in people around me and I was a little ashamed to talk about having a tree or stone as a friend and how cleanse it can be if you have wind and the sun in face for hours.

As a mature adult I was successful, but the more I lived in a “modern” and fast life, the more I felt that this way of experiencing was not very convenient for me and I needed to return to natural roots. For the past few years, I have known that my life vision, my purpose, is more than just a circle of family-work duties.

Thanks to my self-development journey with men's circles, education in natural therapies and a mountain expedition with the “ice man” Wim Hof (whose method, combining breathing exercises, ice baths and meditation concentration I have been using every day for several years) I understand that my goal is actually bring gifts and knowledge that I have long benefited from through forest and nature back to people who need them as much as I do. Around that time, I accidentally met the principles of Japanese forest therapy Shinrin-yoku and everything started to fit together.

I left my job in a prestigious company and went on to train forest therapy at the American Association for Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT), whose founder Amos Clifford has adapted and streamlined the Shinrin-yoku methods for the Western world. After six months of training and education, I am now one of the few certified forest therapy guides in the Czech republic. It is always a great encouragement and inspiration for me during each forest walk with the participants to see that my vision was right - to see how easily people of many experiences and origins can connect with this way of ``remembering`` happiness, joy and health that belong to us and makes up our true inner home.

Because that's what nature always wanted.

Lesní terapii s Alešem jsem si užil. Pomohl mi zpomalit a víc vnímat přírodu kolem sebe všemi smysly. Odcházel jsem s velmi příjemným pocitem.

Pavel Milan Černý

Z Aleše vyzařuje klid, pokora a upřímná láska k přírodě, což dokáže přenést i na účastníky vycházky.

Michaela, 35 let

Aleš je příjemný průvodce a má vášeň pro les.

Jakub, 41 let

Ales is a experienced guide and has a passion for the forest.

Jakub, 41 let

"Jedním z nejsilnějších dojmů dnešní lesní terapie pro mne byla vyrovnanost průvodce, který působil pocitem, že je v každou chvíli "tady a teď.""

Pavla, 35 let

One of the strongest impressions of today's forest therapy for me was the calm of the guide, which made him feel at all times "here and now".

Pavla, 35 let